Lemongrass Tea

Instant Lemongrass Tea Premix: The Delight Of Every Modern Woman

Instant Lemongrass Tea Premix: The Delight Of Every Modern Woman

After the pandemic of Novel Coronavirus, we have started taking our health seriously now more than ever and have shifted our attention to better health choices. One such habit is to include Lemongrass Tea in our daily intake.

Enriched with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties, Lemongrass tea is irreplaceable.

In this article, we try to shed a light on various aspects concerning instant lemongrass tea premix, which are:

Let us begin to learn about this fascinating lemongrass tea.

[ps2id id=’tdoemw’ target=”/]Instant Lemongrass Tea Premix: The delight of every modern woman

In these modern times, women are proving themselves in each and every sector, are financially strong, and walk on the tightrope of balancing both family and career. In this world of hustle-bustle and full of stress, it has become difficult for women to manage their self-care routines. Considering this dilemma of the modern woman, the team of Neel Beverages has curated Instant Lemongrass tea premix for the delight of every modern woman.

We believe that every woman must not neglect self-love and maintain a consistent self-care routine for her overall well-being.

This unique and user-friendly instant beverage premix solution is a perfect companion for any modern woman. Wondering how? Let us not waste further time and find out why!

[ps2id id=’iodcotilt’ target=”/]Importance of daily consumption of instant lemongrass tea

Do you wake up tired every morning? Does the work stress of demanding jobs leaves you drained emotionally and mentally? Are you looking for the best way to kickstart your day? This article is just for you.

Lemongrass tea is one aromatic beverage that just freshens you up, rejuvenates you, and gets you going throughout the day. When you feel the pressure of the work giving rise to anxiety or procrastination, taking a break to drink lemongrass tea would definitely help.

Designed to save your time and energy, lemongrass tea premix aims to help you get rid of lethargy and laziness by keeping you energized to take on any challenge throughout the day.

Due to the many benefits this beverage offers, many individuals prefer to consume it at least a few times during the week, if not possible every day.

Let us now shed a light on the importance of daily consumption of instant lemongrass tea point by point.

  1. Supports Healthy Digestion:

If you are suffering due to digestion-related issues, such as bloating, you are going to need to add Instant Lemongrass premix to your collection at the earliest. If you haven’t yet tried lemongrass tea, that is because you are not aware of the medicinal value of the lemongrass which finds its mention in the ancient Ayurveda scriptures.

Lemongrass which is the key ingredient of the lemongrass tea premix is a diuretic in nature and relieves you when you feel bloated after heavy meals.

There is no better and humble beverage than lemongrass tea that soothes you and tickles your taste buds.

  1. Supports weight management:

Weight management is a journey that requires a lot of patience as result is dependent upon lifestyle choices. Maintaining a healthy body is not something achievable in a couple of days. You need to pick up every aspect of life and correct the pattern wherever needed.

When you focus on living a stress-free and productive life, correct your sleep pattern, choose nutritional diets over junk food, you are slowly changing your lifestyle making it possible for you to manage your weight.

Nowadays, the problem of weight gain is on the rise. With correction in your life pattern and consistent discipline, one may achieve this remarkable goal.

Most of the time, those who are in the process of weight management find it difficult to give up on tea. For these individuals and anyone who believes that sugar dominates the taste of tea, we have introduced Instant Lemongrass Tea Premix in the unsweetened category.

Our team has curated this product by keeping fitness lovers at the center. We believe that it is okay to cut on sugar and continue to enjoy your favorite lemongrass tea.

Instant Lemongrass Tea (Unsweetened) Premix protects you from self-loathing that you go through for adding unnecessary calories to your body.

With a strategic approach and lemongrass instant unsweetened tea, you may experience positive results for overall health.

However, these results are bound to vary from individual to individual as there are many factors that contribute to your overall well-being.

  1. Supports Creative Thought Process:

Most artists need to journal after waking up every morning. This is an essential process to help them express their creative ideas and develop through the process.

Start your day with instant lemongrass tea as you journal. This aromatic beverage fills you with energy and supports your creative thought process. It would not be an exaggeration to call lemongrass tea, aromatherapy. The soothing effect of lemongrass enables you to dedicate yourself to developing a unique form as you put the Meraki in your work. Lemongrass tea enables you to perfect your craft one sip at a time!

  1. An Excellent Alternative To Coffee:

We, at Neel Beverages, have curated instant coffee premix, both in regular and unsweetened categories, for coffee lovers. However, if you don’t like coffee, you may choose instant lemongrass tea premix, which happens to be an excellent alternative to coffee. Tea contains caffeine. However, the amount of caffeine is much less as compared to coffee. If you don’t like coffee, you may choose our very own aromatic, delicious, and flavorful lemongrass tea premix in the regular or unsweetened category.

Although all products of Neel Beverages are made from high-quality natural ingredients and match international standards, it must be noted that it is moderate consumption that produces the best results.

[ps2id id=’htpilt’ target=”/]How to prepare instant lemongrass tea

Preparation of lemongrass tea takes less than five minutes whether you are preparing for one person or a group of people. All you have to do is boil 100 ml water and pour it into a cup. Give it a quick stir after emptying a sachet of Neel Beverages Instant Lemongrass premix in the hot water. You can have the best magical modern-day potion ready for your delight in just these two steps. Perfect for coming breezy winter weather, a warm lemongrass tea can be consumed on its own or with a couple of biscuits, snacks, or cookies.

[ps2id id=’nbips’ target=”/]Neel Beverages Instant Premix Solutions – An Obvious choice

At Neel Beverages, we take pride in our excellent team that has curated products after taking into consideration and detailed analysis of likes, preferences, convenience, and habits of our loyal consumers. We understand market demographics.

Offering excellent products at affordable prices for the joy of our customers has always been our aim. Feedbacks and reviews of our consumers help us bring out the best version of ourselves.

Apart from instant tea premix and instant coffee premix, we have also introduced instant soups premix and instant coconut water premix. All of these products are now available online on Amazon and are just a click away! Choose your Neel Beverages Instant Beverage Solution today!


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