- by neelbeverages
- Ginger tea / Instant ginger tea premix / Tea
Instant ginger tea premix: A warm tea with a twist of spice!
Ever tried a fresh ginger tea before? Soothing and invigorating tea is consumed for centuries.
People enjoy drinking ginger tea as they enjoy the spicy flavor of ginger.
Ginger tea is a lovely, lightly spicy drink for warming up on rainy days. It is light and is the go-to beverage you can indulge in.
Considering the busy lifestyle of the modern generation, the team of Neel Beverages Private Limited has come up with the following ginger tea premix products:
- Instant ginger tea premix
- Instant unsweetened ginger tea premix
- Instant Karak ginger tea premix
- Instant unsweetened Karak ginger tea premix
In this article, we try to cover the following aspects of ginger tea one by one in detail:
- How is the typical ginger tea prepared in every Indian household?
- How to prepare instant ginger tea using Neel Beverages instant premix solutions
- Reasons behind the popularity of ginger tea in India
- Instant ginger tea or instant unsweetened ginger tea?
Let us now start our article by understanding and learning how a typical ginger tea is made in every Indian Household.
There is no such thing as a perfect or common recipe for ginger tea. Each home has its recipe. However, if you follow the steps, you can make a wonderfully aromatic ginger tea for one person.
Step 1:
Thinly slice a small piece of ginger for about 1 inch. You don’t need to peel it however you must rinse it to scrub off the visible dirt.
Step 2:
In a saucepan, combine 1 teaspoon of tea leaves, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and slices of ginger with half a cup of fresh water.
Step 3:
Bring this mixture to a boil over medium heat and reduce the heat as necessary to maintain a gentle simmer.
Step 4:
Add half a cup of full-fat milk and let it simmer for 5-7 minutes. You can continue to boil it for up to 10 minutes if you wish it extra-strong. Although, five minutes will be sufficient.
Step 5:
Pour the tea through a fine sieve to catch all of the flavors of ginger.
If you don’t want to add sugar to your tea, you may skip that. The unsweetened ginger tea is always the first choice of fitness lovers. You can enhance the taste by adding honey or jaggery instead of sugar if you like the taste.
It takes only five minutes to prepare the instant ginger tea if you have Neel Beverages Premix Beverages Solution with you.
If you wish to prepare instant ginger tea for one person using premix solutions, follow these steps as mentioned below:
Step 1:
Boil 100 ml of water and pour it into a cup.
Step 2:
Empty a sachet of instant ginger tea premix or instant unsweetened ginger tea premix to it.
Step 3:
Enjoy your aromatic beverage with your loved ones. That is step 3.
If you wish to enjoy instant Karak ginger tea premix or instant unsweetened Karak ginger tea premix, boil 150 ml of water per person instead of 100 ml.
Instant ginger tea premix beverage solutions are easy to make, easy to carry, and affordable solution that saves time.
An excellent drink for cool weather, ginger tea is a nice afternoon and morning drink or a pick-me-up drink. If you are bored of hot chocolate or hot cocoa, instant ginger tea can be a better option for you.
Our ancient sages have emphasized using Ginger. They were visionaries and have made a deep search for the properties of various elements that nature provided for benefit of mankind.
A very famous dietician Lily Nichols believes that Ginger is the most well-studied herb and there’s a reason why it is being used for centuries. It is the only herb that is being universally considered safe by conventional standards.
When it comes to finding temporary relief from cold and flu, normal fever, or bloating after heavy meals, ginger tea always comes to the rescue.
If you are feeling low and the stress of monotonous tasks is bringing you down, instant ginger tea is always a go-to beverage for the Indians.
Drinking ginger tea may lead to an improvement in metabolism. However, it must be understood that good metabolism is dependent upon various factors and the results of drinking ginger tea differ from person to person.
Ginger tea is aromatic and a drink most people just enjoy drinking with their loved ones, as chai or tea plays a very crucial role in bonding with people, friends, and family, and it is impossible to say ‘No’ to it!
A perfect drink for the coming rainy season and a friend of every mother-Neel Beverages Instant Ginger tea is now available online on Amazon!
Well, it depends upon your choice but we would recommend both for your kitchen so that you can enjoy any kind of your choice that suits your mood.
Instant ginger tea is a sweet spicy tea whereas instant unsweetened ginger tea premix doesn’t include sweetness.
When it comes to unsweetened ginger tea premix, you can choose to add your favorite sweetener to it. If you wish to reap the maximum benefits of honey or jaggery instead of sugar, you may add one of these and enjoy your aromatic experience.
While instant ginger tea is more common in use, instant unsweetened ginger tea is a delight for fitness lovers. Many times, fitness lovers have to sacrifice their favorite love, that is, tea. Tea, according to some is believed to be nectar and becomes hard to give up on. To such people, Neel Beverages has brought a huge relief by introducing instant unsweetened ginger tea premix and instant Karak unsweetened ginger tea premix.
After the pandemic of Novel Coronavirus, life has never been the same and physical health is very important. It is always important to take care of your health more than anything else in the world.
Neel Beverages private Limited believes in combing the quality, taste, and convenience of its consumers to bring the best at an affordable price. So, hurry and don’t forget to place your order for Neel Beverage premix solutions today.